Across Vanuatu, Rural Training Centres are preparing for the Christmas holidays. Students are finishing classes and the lucky ones are attending graduation ceremonies with special guests.
The students of Epule RTC on the north of Efate have double the reason to celebrate this holiday season. At the graduation ceremony not only did 29 students graduate from their 2 years of study, but the school celebrated the installation of a new electrical wiring system. The new system, which will reduce the risk of electric shock and the loss of power during cyclones, was installed with the help of a Quality Fund Grant.
The 160,000 vatu grant from the Australian Government-funded Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Sector Strengthening Program is the second for the students of Epule. Earlier in the year, Epule RTC’s workshop here in Vila received a grant that purchased new carpentry and mechanical tools. These tools will improve the quality of training offered to students. To date, almost 3.36 million vatu worth of equipment has been distributed in Quality Fund Grants to RTC’s throughout Vanuatu.
Epule Rural Training Centre offers courses in carpentry, mechanics, home care and electrical. Further information on courses beginning next year can be obtained by calling Epule RTC on 24355.
More information on Quality Fund Grants and application forms can be obtained from the TVET Office at Vanuatu Institute of Technology.