The Minister of Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry, Fisheries and Biosecurity, Matai Seremaiah, has officially launched an integrated farming system model that was established at the Agriculture station on Mota Lava as a model for farmers to acquire valuable information that will assist them in setting up their own integrated farming system in the future.
The Assistant Agriculture Officer (AAO) for Mota Lava, Daniel Neneth, said the main idea of this model is to encourage people to do backyard gardens as most gardens are far away from the villages.
“Integrated backyard farming is important as only a small space is needed to implement many agricultural activities to assist in maintaining food security and livelihood of people,” AAO Neneth explained.
“This farming system includes feeding chickens, using chicken manure to plant vegetables, aquaculture fish farming and using its water to water the vegetables. At the end of the day we have sufficient food to feed our families.