A milestone has been reached in the creation of the Vanuatu Community Certificate (VCC) Levels One and Two. Selected writers for five of the modules attended a two- day writing workshop at the Vanuatu Institute of Technology (VIT) with funding from the TVET Sector Strengthening Program.
Arthur Edgell and Harold Tarosa have been chosen to create ‘Working in Groups and Teams’. It’s a module that is part of the Vanuatu Community Certificate Two level (VCCII) of the Vanuatu Qualifications Framework (VQF). It will be the fourth module in the VCCII program.
When asked why he thought the VCC was important for the people of Vanuatu, Arthur responded:
“The VCC is very important to the people of Vanuatu because, it is where we start to mould learning into our people in the communities. The VCC will start to build the vital synthesis of learning, which are language, literacy, numeracy, self-esteem, confidence and participation. It is where we blend the formal learning system into the culture, custom and society settings to get them motivated to learn. It should make them expand beyond culture’s perceptions of learning and let them appreciate that learning is for everyone. Also the VCC will make people contribute to the community with what they’ve learnt. As a result, they should become a valuable member of the community.”
Once accredited by the Vanuatu National Training Council and delivered by a registered training provider, participants in the VCC courses will receive a nationally recognized certificate. VCC courses are practical skills and vocational course orientated.
“I believe the VCC is the breakthrough to a constructive learning approach that will have dynamic impact on Vanuatu’s productive sector. It will provide an opportunity for the entire Vanuatu population to learn. I believe if everyone learns, then everyone develops their true potential, therefore, contributing to Vanuatu’s productive sector. That’s what I want to see our people achieve.”
In fact, all members of the community can participate or be involved in VCC whether they are old, young, male, female, disabled, chiefs or school dropouts, community elders, leaders, mothers, fathers, children and every member of the society. The writing of the modules for the VCC Level I and II are expected to be completed by November with trials of materials expected to begin next year.
“If our module can make a difference in the life of the people of Vanuatu, then I am delighted and proud to be the writer,” Arthur said.