Farming contributes a lot to food security and agri-business in most remote areas on Malekula. Cash crops derived from the agriculture sector such as kava, cocoa, coconut and marine resources are the main source of income for many farmers.
In addressing the challenges of COVID -19 and Tropical Cyclone Harold, the Vanuatu Skills Partnership (VSP) has been working in partnership with the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) and other partners to establish nurseries in affected areas on Malekula to assist communities to grow short term crops such as vegetables.
The main purpose of establishing nurseries to raise seedlings is to provide planting materials to affected households, encourage farmers to produce their own planting materials, increase resilience of agriculture and also for DARD to provide technical support to farmers.
Donald Sanhambat is one of the key farmers on Alpalak village in North West A area on Malekula island who was identified by VSP to work closely with the Assistant Agriculture Officer (AAO) on the area to set up a nursery to sow vegetable seedlings.